Avery Elaine was born on November 21, 2011. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 18 inches long. She is now a little over 4 months old and weights 11 lbs 3 oz and is 23.5 inches long. She is the greatest part of our lives. She is the best little baby ever and we love her more than anything. So, we'll consider goal number 33 complete. :)
I am still working regularly on goals 1 and 2, to be more Thankful and in the Present. Having Avery makes me still want to plan and prepare for the future, to make sure that she'll always be protected and taken care of. I have about a million contingency plans. Hey, I'm a Pisces, what can I say?
Goal 3: I lost about 15 lbs during my pregnancy, my goal now is to lose another 30. Yes, another 30. I know my original goal was 30, but why not just see what happens.
Goal 4: Eating right, Keith and I are already starting to do this since all the weight I lost during the pregnancy he says he managed to pickup. We are trying to eat whole grains, fruit, veggies, and protein. We're cutting out fast food, white/starchy foods. Our goal is that this affects Avery as she gets older and she always eats healthy.
Goal 5: Debt free. We are almost there. We have the Infiniti car payment and my school loan left to pay off. The school loan should be gone by the end of the year, the Infiniti should be paid off by the end of next year, a year and a half early. :)
Goal 6: I have been doing well scrapbooking/making photobooks, well, for the most part. I have made two for Avery, one of her 2 week pictures and one of the first 3 months of her life. I have also made one of my pregnancy, minus month nine. I have laid out her 'birth' scrapbook, but haven't started it yet. I am debating waiting until we move to do that, or maybe until I have some time, alone, at home to do it....but then again, when I have time alone it most likely won't be spent scrapbooking anyway. More like napping, shopping, or something.
Goal 7: I haven't been doing too bad writing in my journal. I keep it close by the couch, with a pen, so after Avery is asleep I see it and try to write things down. Her growth and development progress, my thoughts and feelings about being a wife, mother, and working. About the political scene in America, etc. My thoughts and feelings on the future, or what have you are all included.
Goals 8-11: I am taking a Zumba class and I am going to start a Couch to 5k class I believe. The rest, I haven't done anything about, yet.
Goal 12: I haven't read anything not fictional in awhile, but I will. I have a few gardening and recipe books I checked out of the library....so that's a start.
Goal 13: I went with Keith to see John Carter the other day - then he went with me to the Hunger Games. My parents watched Avery both times for our 'dates'. We try to do something every other week that involves just the two of us. Though Keith does have 'daddy day' as he watches her on Mondays.
Goal 14: Nope
Goal 15: Going to need to make time to do this, I believe it's becoming more important for me to do so.
Goal 16: We have plans for travel, hopefully sometime in September we'll go somewhere. I did get to go to New Orleans for a work trip last year, several times, but not for 'fun'. I don't know if our fall trip will be US based or not. Should be fun to find out. We are going to Monterey next week for a 'work trip'.
Goal 17: We are going to Rome in 2014, I think. I think in 2013 Keith and I will take a trip for our 5th anniversary; that is if we don't have a newborn or I'm not pregnant. If so, then, well, maybe 2014 is our big trip.
Goal 18: Doubt this is going to happen, but we'll see.
Goal 19: I designed a nursery for Avery, photos attached.
Goal 20-27: Haven't started on, at all. Guess I need to get a move on.
Goal 28: I am reading a lot of blogs, websites, and books on the survival, self-sustaining thing. It's very interesting. Apparently Keith and I are 'Preppers'. :)
Goal 29-32: Hmm, off all of these I am reading more about politics, but there is only so much I can stomach and worry about with a cute little baby girl to play with.
33 by 33
This is a blog designed to follow my progress on accomplishing 33 life goals by age 33. These goals are to be checked off by March 2, 2014.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sugar and spice and everything nice......
So, after our ultrasound last week it appears we having a baby girl. Her due date, for now, is still November 26, 2011. I can't believe it, a girl! I had thought a boy for the longest time, and then about 3-4 weeks ago I had a dream and the baby was a girl, so then I wasn't quite sure and figured maybe a girl, but I guess we had a 50/50 shot either way, right? The lady that did the ultrasound gave us like a 16' roll of photos and a DVD. I am so excited to watch the DVD. If I can figure out how to post a video or photo here, then I will, shortly.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ever changing goals
However, we are leaning toward a Nautical theme for babies room - well, primarily if we have a boy. No real ideas on a room for a baby girl. Any ideas?
Let’s see, the goal to lose 40 lbs. Well, I lost 10 my first trimester, but I don’t think that morning sickness actually counts as ‘weight loss’ so that will have to be rescheduled for ‘after delivery’. My goal now is to not gain more than 25 lbs during the pregnancy.
Keith and I are on our way to becoming debt free. We got rid of all the credit card debt and are now working on the car loans, and the one personal loan we have. Hopefully sometime in 2012 either the personal loan or the Murano will be paid off. Yay!
I don’t think that Skydiving is in my immediate future, nor do I think I’ll be trying it as a mom, but you never know. We want our kids to be adventurous and try new things, so maybe skydiving will happen, once our baby is like 5 or something. Lol, you never know.
Journal keeping is going rather well, well, most of the time. Now I’m down to every couple of weeks, but I need to start recording my thoughts and feeling on the pregnancy on a daily basis I think. To remind myself of this time, because it flies by so fast!
Keith has been the one doing nice things for me lately. Once the midwife put me on Zofran I could function, but for the 6 weeks or so before that I couldn’t cook, or stand up for more than like 20 minutes without vomiting, so Keith cooked and did the dishes. He never complained and he just tells me to relax and take care of Pedro…that’s our womb name for the baby.
It's amazing the changes happening now in our lives. Planning for the baby, unplanned expenses, just trying to be financially secure, but also trying to have fun and enjoy the whole pregnancy thing. We still want to camp this summer with the family and we're going to Jared and Shastyn's wedding in Tahoe in September, but other than that we're trying to stick close to home. I am trying to take maternity leave from the middle of November through the end of January, but we'll see how that goes. Wow, the list goes on....I need to make a Will now.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thankfulness - Week 3, better late than never
I am thankful for being inspired to try to do better every day; to be a better wife, a better person, to keep trying to keep my goals and not give up when I forget or have a bad day. Being driven and motivated is something I am very grateful for, otherwise I would never get anything done.
I am grateful for the awesome Motorola Xoom Keith got me for my birthday. It’s the coolest, most fun thing ever! I can work on it, play games, browse the net, read books, take pictures or HD video (yes, HD), it’s just so cool!
Last, but not least, I am thankful for family and friends who love and support me. I had my 30th birthday party on March 19th and I really appreciate everyone who came and who made it one of the best parties I’ve had in a long time. Thank you and I love you all!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thankfulness, week 2
1. I want to start with my husband: Keith is my best friend. He's my #1 fan. From him, I get unconditional love and acceptance, and he always makes me feel like I'm special and loved. I'm the luckiest girl in the world for having found him.
2. Sunshine, doesn't it feel good? I know, too much isn't such a good thing, but, ooh, just to soak it up for a while, either outside or in a sunny window, is one of my favorite things.
3. Tents. I love sleeping in them, not to mention that I love camping, period. It's fun to try out a new tent, and crawl into an old, well-used one. Something about being in the outdoors just makes me smile.
4. Digital cameras are a sincere love of mine. You gotta admit it beats having to spend tons of money to develop film. And I can delete and retake pictures where I look hideous.
5. The hard times we’ve been through, because they've made me stronger and wiser, and it makes me appreciate the good times even better.
What are things you're grateful for? Why are you grateful for them? Come on, respond everyone!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Birthday Parties and Playlists

Here is the play list, in case anyone is interested in what I put on the CD’s and playlist. I already downloaded it onto Keith’s phone. :)
1.) Rolling in the Deep Adele
2.) Wanted Dead or Alive Bon Jovi (yes, from Deadliest Catch, love that show)
3.) Fix You Coldplay
4.) Times Like These Foo Fighters
5.) You and Me Dave Matthews Band
6.) Uprising Muse
7.) Love Song The Cure
8.) Taking Chances Glee Cast Version
9.) Out Tonight RENT soundtrack (Rosario Dawson singing)
10.) Lucky Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
11.) Need You Now Lady Antebellum (yes, Country – can you believe it?)
12.) Good Times Bad Times Led Zeppelin
13.) Beside You Marianas Trench
14.) I Love You Martina McBride
15.) Everything Michael Buble
16.) Chances Five for Fighting
17.) Down and Out Tantric (awesome rock)
18.) Supermassive Black Hole Muse
19.) Endless Love Glee Cast, yes again
20.) Brown Eyed Girl Van Morrison
21.) The Way You Move Outkast
22.) Raise Your Glass P!nk
23.) Kiss Prince
24.) Bless the Broken Road Rascal Flatts
25.) Apologize One Republic
26.) Gravity Sara Bareilles (has anyone seen the Mia Michaels choreographed dance to this? It was on So You Think You Can Dance a few years ago? Amazingness!)
27.) Careless Whisper Seether
28.) Secret Smile Semisonic
29.) Mercury Blues Steve Miller Band
30.) Breakdown Tantric
Monday, March 14, 2011
Simple Living Media
One of my greatest sources of inspiration on the Simple Living Idea is found here: http://www.simplelivingmedia.com/our-mission/
Their Mission
The Simple Living Media Mission:
To help people live more simply.
What We Believe:
• People and families can live on and with far less than mainstream cultural norms lead us to believe.
• Debt is not a tool, and instead puts people into needless bondage. Therefore, we believe that everyone should live within or below their means.
• Life is not about consumption, and we can make a difference by wise stewardship of our resources, time, energy, money, and environment.
• We value quality over quantity in all facets of life, from tangible items, to relationships, to aesthetics.
• People are more important than things.
Our Goal
To encourage and equip people with what they need to simply their lives.
Tsh Oxenreider - SimpleMom
founder, Simple Living Media, LLC
October 2009
founder, Simple Living Media, LLC
October 2009
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