However, we are leaning toward a Nautical theme for babies room - well, primarily if we have a boy. No real ideas on a room for a baby girl. Any ideas?
Let’s see, the goal to lose 40 lbs. Well, I lost 10 my first trimester, but I don’t think that morning sickness actually counts as ‘weight loss’ so that will have to be rescheduled for ‘after delivery’. My goal now is to not gain more than 25 lbs during the pregnancy.
Keith and I are on our way to becoming debt free. We got rid of all the credit card debt and are now working on the car loans, and the one personal loan we have. Hopefully sometime in 2012 either the personal loan or the Murano will be paid off. Yay!
I don’t think that Skydiving is in my immediate future, nor do I think I’ll be trying it as a mom, but you never know. We want our kids to be adventurous and try new things, so maybe skydiving will happen, once our baby is like 5 or something. Lol, you never know.
Journal keeping is going rather well, well, most of the time. Now I’m down to every couple of weeks, but I need to start recording my thoughts and feeling on the pregnancy on a daily basis I think. To remind myself of this time, because it flies by so fast!
Keith has been the one doing nice things for me lately. Once the midwife put me on Zofran I could function, but for the 6 weeks or so before that I couldn’t cook, or stand up for more than like 20 minutes without vomiting, so Keith cooked and did the dishes. He never complained and he just tells me to relax and take care of Pedro…that’s our womb name for the baby.
It's amazing the changes happening now in our lives. Planning for the baby, unplanned expenses, just trying to be financially secure, but also trying to have fun and enjoy the whole pregnancy thing. We still want to camp this summer with the family and we're going to Jared and Shastyn's wedding in Tahoe in September, but other than that we're trying to stick close to home. I am trying to take maternity leave from the middle of November through the end of January, but we'll see how that goes. Wow, the list goes on....I need to make a Will now.