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With my 30th birthday just around the corner (how on earth is that possible??) there are a few things that I would like to accomplish. I wouldn’t exactly call this a ‘Bucket List’ more like a reminder of things and a motivator so that I don’t forget what’s important. Goals change as people change, but these are things I have had on my ‘to do’ list for, well, forever. I know that Keith and I are just moving into an apartment, and that we have goals in regard to starting a family and possibly a home purchase, those aren’t the types of goals I am talking about. These are more personal. These are things that I want to do for myself, my family, and my marriage.
1.) Be Thankful. I want to make a conscious effort to be always thankful for what I have.
2.) Be in the Here and Now. Far too often I find myself sitting and planning for the future, the what-ifs, and running 100 miles an hour, even if there isn’t a reason too. I need to be more focused on Keith, my family, and friends when I am with them, and not thinking about the future. I think it is okay to plan ahead and to be prepared, but not at the expense of time with my family or not being happy with what I have right now.
3.) Lose 40 lbs. Yes, you heard me right. I am going to accomplish this through regular exercise and hopefully with the help of Weight Watchers. (This is your queue to laugh, roll your eyes, and shake your head knowingly.) However, I do intend to follow through with this plan – so, I’ll be the one laughing in the end. :D
4.) Start eating right. This is MUCH easier to do when you live on your own and not with other family members. (No offense to the other family members). I am a menu writer and shopping planner. When you have a menu and know what you need to buy it’s much easier to buy healthy and eat healthy than it is to walk through a grocery store looking at what ‘looks good’. It also saves money because you aren’t running back to the grocery store for items you ‘forgot’ or weren’t planning on needing.
5.) Become debt free. This includes credit cards, loans, and cars.
6.) Start scrapbooking more, or making photo books, or both. I have a few, both scrapbooks and photo books, but there are a few things (such as my wedding and Keith’s California Mission trip) that I have yet to start – or finish scrapbooking.
7.) Keep a Journal. I am very good at journal keeping in small doses. I’ll be excellent at writing my thoughts, feelings, and just writing about my life for a few days, weeks, or even months. Then, slowly, but inevitably my entries get further and further apart. Then, before I know it it has been 3 months, 6 months, or a year before I realize that I haven’t written anything….and playing Journal catch up sucks. I want my ancestors to know about me, our generation, our government, our lives, hardships, and accomplishments. I want them to be able to tell stories about us to their children, and their children’s children. How will they know about us if we don’t write things down?
8.) Skydive. Yes, you heard me, skydive. Keith went skydiving when we were in Texas with Justine White (a friend of ours) in 2009, but I didn’t get to go. Yes, didn’t ‘get’ to go. I plan on going sometime in 2011. Hopefully this actually works out.
9.) Run a 5k. I think this will take time to train for. In order to train for a running a 5k, when you are not currently a runner, you're supposed to start slow. I am going to give myself until Thanksgiving to accomplish this goal.
With my 30th birthday just around the corner (how on earth is that possible??) there are a few things that I would like to accomplish. I wouldn’t exactly call this a ‘Bucket List’ more like a reminder of things and a motivator so that I don’t forget what’s important. Goals change as people change, but these are things I have had on my ‘to do’ list for, well, forever. I know that Keith and I are just moving into an apartment, and that we have goals in regard to starting a family and possibly a home purchase, those aren’t the types of goals I am talking about. These are more personal. These are things that I want to do for myself, my family, and my marriage.
1.) Be Thankful. I want to make a conscious effort to be always thankful for what I have.
2.) Be in the Here and Now. Far too often I find myself sitting and planning for the future, the what-ifs, and running 100 miles an hour, even if there isn’t a reason too. I need to be more focused on Keith, my family, and friends when I am with them, and not thinking about the future. I think it is okay to plan ahead and to be prepared, but not at the expense of time with my family or not being happy with what I have right now.
3.) Lose 40 lbs. Yes, you heard me right. I am going to accomplish this through regular exercise and hopefully with the help of Weight Watchers. (This is your queue to laugh, roll your eyes, and shake your head knowingly.) However, I do intend to follow through with this plan – so, I’ll be the one laughing in the end. :D
4.) Start eating right. This is MUCH easier to do when you live on your own and not with other family members. (No offense to the other family members). I am a menu writer and shopping planner. When you have a menu and know what you need to buy it’s much easier to buy healthy and eat healthy than it is to walk through a grocery store looking at what ‘looks good’. It also saves money because you aren’t running back to the grocery store for items you ‘forgot’ or weren’t planning on needing.
5.) Become debt free. This includes credit cards, loans, and cars.
6.) Start scrapbooking more, or making photo books, or both. I have a few, both scrapbooks and photo books, but there are a few things (such as my wedding and Keith’s California Mission trip) that I have yet to start – or finish scrapbooking.
7.) Keep a Journal. I am very good at journal keeping in small doses. I’ll be excellent at writing my thoughts, feelings, and just writing about my life for a few days, weeks, or even months. Then, slowly, but inevitably my entries get further and further apart. Then, before I know it it has been 3 months, 6 months, or a year before I realize that I haven’t written anything….and playing Journal catch up sucks. I want my ancestors to know about me, our generation, our government, our lives, hardships, and accomplishments. I want them to be able to tell stories about us to their children, and their children’s children. How will they know about us if we don’t write things down?
8.) Skydive. Yes, you heard me, skydive. Keith went skydiving when we were in Texas with Justine White (a friend of ours) in 2009, but I didn’t get to go. Yes, didn’t ‘get’ to go. I plan on going sometime in 2011. Hopefully this actually works out.
9.) Run a 5k. I think this will take time to train for. In order to train for a running a 5k, when you are not currently a runner, you're supposed to start slow. I am going to give myself until Thanksgiving to accomplish this goal.
10.) Buy gold and silver, bullion and coins. This is an investment for our future. Never know what’s going to happen to paper currency.
11.) Refurbish furniture. I have this strange little crafty streak sometimes and lately I’ve been reading blogs and talking to people that go to places like Salvation Army, DI, and Goodwill and purchase these old decrepit, unloved pieces of furniture and they sand them, replace the hardware and they paint and/or glaze them and they come out looking incredible. Best of all it’s cheap! I want to try it! I think it would be awesome to buy a buffet or serving table or an old dresser or something and work some magic on it. Wouldn’t that be fun!?
Just so you know, this list is a lot harder to think up than you would think.
12.) I want to read 150 books, on various subjects. Not just my normal historical fiction, romance, mystery, fantasy, or whatever, though those are okay too, I want to read books that I will learn things from. Things such as other religions, cultures, or occupations. Self-help books, spiritual books, all sorts of things. I’ll have to keep a log somewhere of what I read. Suggestions anyone?
13.) Do something nice/romantic for Keith once a month. My plan is to keep the spark and fire alive in our marriage, yes people, we’re doing just fine. :0) I just know that once a couple, even one that’s been together for almost 9 years like we have, has a child (no, no announcements) that relationships often become strained. This is often due to a lack of communication, exhaustion, and a huge life adjustment. I don’t want this to happen to us, so, my answer…..do something at least once a month to keep the spark in the marriage. Breakfast in bed, being more appreciative of what he does/puts up with for me, making small gifts, etc. I’m not exactly sure what this will entail, but I’ll start with the thought and work it out from there. If this is an ingrained pattern I hope that it will continue long after we decide to have a baby. I will post (if appropriate :D) what I do for Keith on this blog.
14.) Bake a multi-layer cake with fondant and everything.
15.) Read (and study) the Bible.
16.) Travel more. Inside the US I’d love to go to; Savannah, New Orleans (not on a work trip), Boston, New York, Chicago (not on a work trip), Seattle, Portland, and back to Cedar City for a visit.
17.) Travel at least one place outside the US I’d love to go to; Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, Israel and Jordan, Africa (Victoria Falls), The Great Barrier Reef, Costa Rica, Egypt (no, not now!!!), Greece, Macchu Picchu, and maybe France.
18.) Take dance lessons with Keith again. We did it briefly for our wedding, but due to unforeseen circumstances (my shoes getting stuck in my dress) we weren’t able to use anything we learned. It’s fun though to spend time together on something like that.
19.) Design and customize a nursery for our kids, if we ever have any.
20.) Go to Horse Races again, hang out and have fun.
11.) Refurbish furniture. I have this strange little crafty streak sometimes and lately I’ve been reading blogs and talking to people that go to places like Salvation Army, DI, and Goodwill and purchase these old decrepit, unloved pieces of furniture and they sand them, replace the hardware and they paint and/or glaze them and they come out looking incredible. Best of all it’s cheap! I want to try it! I think it would be awesome to buy a buffet or serving table or an old dresser or something and work some magic on it. Wouldn’t that be fun!?
Just so you know, this list is a lot harder to think up than you would think.
12.) I want to read 150 books, on various subjects. Not just my normal historical fiction, romance, mystery, fantasy, or whatever, though those are okay too, I want to read books that I will learn things from. Things such as other religions, cultures, or occupations. Self-help books, spiritual books, all sorts of things. I’ll have to keep a log somewhere of what I read. Suggestions anyone?
13.) Do something nice/romantic for Keith once a month. My plan is to keep the spark and fire alive in our marriage, yes people, we’re doing just fine. :0) I just know that once a couple, even one that’s been together for almost 9 years like we have, has a child (no, no announcements) that relationships often become strained. This is often due to a lack of communication, exhaustion, and a huge life adjustment. I don’t want this to happen to us, so, my answer…..do something at least once a month to keep the spark in the marriage. Breakfast in bed, being more appreciative of what he does/puts up with for me, making small gifts, etc. I’m not exactly sure what this will entail, but I’ll start with the thought and work it out from there. If this is an ingrained pattern I hope that it will continue long after we decide to have a baby. I will post (if appropriate :D) what I do for Keith on this blog.
14.) Bake a multi-layer cake with fondant and everything.
15.) Read (and study) the Bible.
16.) Travel more. Inside the US I’d love to go to; Savannah, New Orleans (not on a work trip), Boston, New York, Chicago (not on a work trip), Seattle, Portland, and back to Cedar City for a visit.
17.) Travel at least one place outside the US I’d love to go to; Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, Israel and Jordan, Africa (Victoria Falls), The Great Barrier Reef, Costa Rica, Egypt (no, not now!!!), Greece, Macchu Picchu, and maybe France.
18.) Take dance lessons with Keith again. We did it briefly for our wedding, but due to unforeseen circumstances (my shoes getting stuck in my dress) we weren’t able to use anything we learned. It’s fun though to spend time together on something like that.
19.) Design and customize a nursery for our kids, if we ever have any.
20.) Go to Horse Races again, hang out and have fun.
21.) See Aerosmith in Concert, if they ever tour again.
22.) Learn archery with a compound bow.
23.) Become an excellent marksman (markswoman?) and take self-defense courses. Purchase a few more guns/ammo. You never know when you’ll need protection.
24.) Learn to golf, well, and actually hit the ball over 50 yards consistently.
25.) Become fluent in Spanish, learn Italian.
26.) Learn to scuba dive and become certified….then dive on a shipwreck somewhere. How totally awesome would that be?? Titanic here we come.
27.) Become a Photoshop Master, take more pictures of everything!
28.) Learn everything about becoming self-sustaining. Gardening, candle making, soap making, solar power, outdoor survival, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc.
29.) Watch more foreign and independent films; Amelie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.
30.) Volunteer – Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Church, Red Cross, etc.
31.) Start painting. Acrylic or Oil, something.
32.) Learn more about politics and become more involved.
33.) Have children, love, adore, and take care of my family.
22.) Learn archery with a compound bow.
23.) Become an excellent marksman (markswoman?) and take self-defense courses. Purchase a few more guns/ammo. You never know when you’ll need protection.
24.) Learn to golf, well, and actually hit the ball over 50 yards consistently.
25.) Become fluent in Spanish, learn Italian.
26.) Learn to scuba dive and become certified….then dive on a shipwreck somewhere. How totally awesome would that be?? Titanic here we come.
27.) Become a Photoshop Master, take more pictures of everything!
28.) Learn everything about becoming self-sustaining. Gardening, candle making, soap making, solar power, outdoor survival, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc.
29.) Watch more foreign and independent films; Amelie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.
30.) Volunteer – Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Church, Red Cross, etc.
31.) Start painting. Acrylic or Oil, something.
32.) Learn more about politics and become more involved.
33.) Have children, love, adore, and take care of my family.